
Do you need a locksmith? Locks & Security are available 24/7 and can be with you with 30 minutes.

If you have been locked out, got a broken lock, has a break in or would like to have a security review and update your locks we have years of experience helping to ensure properties are secure.

We offer a range of services to our customers such as emergency entry, break-in repairs, faulty door and window repairs and much more.

Centrally based, our fully trained, professional locksmiths are never too far away when you need a locksmith.

ABS locks

Locksmith Services

Here at LSA Group we don’t just unlock locks. We also offer a range of services that cover every aspect of Locks, Access Control, Safes and uPVC repair.

As locksmiths our most popular services involve locks. This isn’t just opening them when you’re locked out. We can change locks, repair locks, upgrade locks and do just about everything else that could ever need doing to a lock. We also offer repairs and upgrades to all other hardware that is attached to a door, window, safe or shutter. Changing hinges, adjusting closers, replacing handles the list goes on.

On top of the knowledge and skills we use on a day to day basis our locksmiths are all equipped with all the latest equipment, everything from state of the art picks and pick guns to the most recent key decoders. This allows us to approach every job with the confidence that if we can’t fix the problem, it can’t be fixed.

A Locksmith When You Need One

A Locksmith When You Need One

We are both professional and transparent in the way we operate. Our bespoke service is based on your individual needs providing the best value for money service available today.

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Security Advice

Security Advice

The issue of security is becoming more and more prevalent in today's world. That’s why our locksmiths are available for free advice to people across the region.

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Quality Materials

Reliable Service

Over the years we have come across some terrible locks that have been fitted.

We have seen a night latch on a UPVC door and we have seen sash jammers fitted the wrong way round, we could go on. We tell people time and time again that their UPVC door with all its bolts and mechanism is only as secure as the cheapest cylinder that they put the key in every day.

That’s why our locksmiths will only ever fit the highest quality hardware. This applies to cylinders, Mortice locks secondary products and everything else.

Not only do we like reliable hardware we like to be reliable ourselves. One thing we hear a lot is people complaining about calling a locksmith and have then been standing around waiting for them.

We have taken this on board. When you call us be this 2am or 2pm we will give you an estimated time of arrival. We work this out by using a programme on our tablets that takes into account traffic and diversions etc. We will then double check this with the sat nav. This means that if we say 30 minutes our locksmith will be with you within 30 minutes. Not an hour.

We are so confident with this we offer a guarantee, that if we aren’t with you within the agreed time frame we will work for free. So that means you will only pay for the lock and not the locksmith.

Maintenance Contracts

We provide a wide range of services to home owners, businesses and landlords & agents. On top of this we deal with larger organisations on their contract work.

We deal with facilities management companies, large maintenance businesses as well as multi-site retailers and many more. In fact over 70% of our business comes from our commercial partners meaning we know what you need when it comes to your security needs.

Whatever you need we can help with so get in touch today on 01777 300 170 and ask to speak to one of our specialists.

24/7 Coverage

We have a 24/7 helpline for all our account customers that can be linked to your internal systems to ensure effortless continuity for any job that's outsourced to us. We have the same cover at 2am as we do at 2pm meaning we will be on-site in as little as an hour.

Our lines are manned by our engineers on a rota system, we do this to ensure whoever takes the call sends the right person. We believe this sets us apart from our competitors as we have a 100% repair or secure record. Some customers have decided to go a step further to take the strain off their staff. They have their out of hours lines patched straight through to us. Every morning they receive a report listing any issues that came up overnight and as all potential costs are pre-agreed, we can take care of out of hours issues without disturbing anyone. This is a part of our business that we really do believe sets us apart from our competitors. We never miss jobs, we are always on time and we always get the issue fixed or your premises secured.

Nationwide Coverage

We have engineers up and down the UK. This allows us to offer our clients unrivalled round the clock coverage. We have such good coverage that we often cover for our competitors when they can't get to one of their jobs.

We are based in Yorkshire but have engineers in every corner of the country. We have over 150 engineer's available day and night meaning our team can cover any job at any time in any place saving you the headache of calling round trying to get your jobs covered.

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24/7 Coverage

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